
[ You seem all too familiar for some reason. You are not new, are you? ]
          Tapped. Claimed.


@LivingShadows- [I will. Hopefully he will be coming home soon for a while. I want to try and talk to him about maybe coming back around here. Even if he won't always be able to be here daily. May not work though. Hm.]


            [Yes, you did mention that. Do tell him that 'Rosie misses the Old Man'. I can't remember his old nickname for me, so that will have to do.
            Yeah, there are. Always is this time of the year. ]


@LivingShadows- [Indeed. The dragon days are over. I became busy with school and what not. My brother is busy with military. I'm back to stay for a while though, and thank you.~ Quite nice to be back. Though I see a lot of newcomers that weren't here before.]