
Don’t ask me why I keep updating when nobody reads these, ok 
          	My college visits and scholarship applications are finally at a close, and I’m back to my normal schedule. I’m hoping this means I can start carving out some time for writing!
          	A little update: most of my stories on here are actually discontinued, such as Avoiding My Past and all of my older works. 
          	The only story I am actively attempting to update is Don’t Forget Me, which is at a stand still due to plot complications that I am trying my DARN HARDEST to fix. I’m really, really hoping I can get those fixed and continue updating soon. 
          	The only problem is, I have a new story idea I am simultaneously trying to ignore and develop at the same time. I don’t want to neglect Don’t Forget Me but..... 


Coronavirus: "Normal schedule? HA THINK AGAIN"


Don’t ask me why I keep updating when nobody reads these, ok 
          My college visits and scholarship applications are finally at a close, and I’m back to my normal schedule. I’m hoping this means I can start carving out some time for writing!
          A little update: most of my stories on here are actually discontinued, such as Avoiding My Past and all of my older works. 
          The only story I am actively attempting to update is Don’t Forget Me, which is at a stand still due to plot complications that I am trying my DARN HARDEST to fix. I’m really, really hoping I can get those fixed and continue updating soon. 
          The only problem is, I have a new story idea I am simultaneously trying to ignore and develop at the same time. I don’t want to neglect Don’t Forget Me but..... 


Coronavirus: "Normal schedule? HA THINK AGAIN"


It hasn't been too long since my last one but another update! 
          Avoiding My Past has been completely edited! If any of you guys have read chapters one and two, I would encourage you to reread at least the beginning of chapter one because I did a few major changes, including completely replacing Aven (SORRY AVEN YOU JUST WEREN'T HELPING THE PLOT ALONG) with a new character I already enjoy writing for. Chapter four is in the works and will be posted soon. 
          As a side note, it has come to my attention that some people were unable to read my newest chapter even though I posted it?? If you have any trouble finding Chapter Three let me know :)
          I have been relentless in my efforts to completely revise my characters and plot for Don't Forget Me and I am proud to say that I think everything is finally starting to come together. I'm expecting development to be finished/well enough along that I can begin revisions in the next couple of months and then I'll start rewriting chapters two, three, and four, (although it's going to be tricky with classes just having started up). 
          Thanks again for reading even though everything I do is completely chaotic. <3


Hey guys!! I know nobody actually reads my stuff  but I thought it would be nice to give you very few but devoted followers a little update. Unfortunately I’ve been having a huge case of writers block, and have made a not so helpful self discovery, and it turns out I cannot plot!! Surprise to me!! ‍♀️‍♀️‍♀️ anyways, currently both of my stories are back to the editing stage. Don’t Forget Me is back to square one with plotting, I may or may not be rewriting most of my published chapters, it all depends on whatever new plot I choose. Avoiding My Past only needs minor fixes, chapter one is currently being revised, but once that’s cleared up its on to new updates!! I’m very excited for the rest of this fanfiction so HOPEFULLY after I fix what needs fixing we’ll be rolling along smoothly (probably too much to hope for but hey, we could all use some positivity). 
          Thank you so so much to those who have continued reading even with all these roadblocks I keep hitting. It means a whole lot to me <3


@TaylorMoonbeam I count myself in that small group of devoted followers even if I didn't see this announcement until just now 


Just watched Star Wars, The Last Jedi in theaters today and it was SO AMAZING. I'm thinking of writing a Star Wars fan fiction. Any ideas on who I would write it on?


@Kekkei_Genkai42 LOL XD yes Avoiding My Past is in the makings :)


I just published The Legend of Seafora chapter one, this is one of my stories I've been working on in the past couple of years that I have revised and developed ALOT. This book actually started when me and some of my friends had a writing contest on the subject of mermaids, and this kind of took off from there. I'm currently completely rewriting the second chapter, so it will be awhile till its published. I hope you like it :)