
Posted in Updates about book ideas I've got as I have far too many due to the lockdown giving me way too much time.


Did a page revamp today!! 
          Got rid of all the useless reading list - most of which were about as old as this account xD
          Now reading lists will only be for books that I have really enjoyed and be ordered by fandom as of May 2020.
          also changed my name and the description/bio thing :)) 
          < 3


Another Moxiety Book in the works! 
          Thinking about taking the concepts from some of my older books such as 'Scars' and 'Hiding in the dark' and making them into books from fandoms I am in! 
          I am a multi-shipper for sandersides so I do have plans to make books based on multiple ships too! 
          The next Moxiety ship is very short at 4 main chapters and will be called Good Morning Sunshine - it will start to be published after OEAWH is completely posted! 


So Behind Closed Doors has been trigger checked and updated! if you think I missed any in the published chapters let me know!!
          Also Finished writing Open Eyes at witching hour!
          Both will have a published update Every Saturday at 6 pm UK Time! :)


Published a new book yesterday.  It's a Sander Sides Fanfic so if that interests you maybe give it a read? 
          - Also concerning Behind closed doors, when I started it beck in Novmeber for someone reason I thought trigger warnings wenr't needed - They are! so I'm going back to correct that so if you are easily triggered I'd advise holding off on reading that one until I post on here saying I've corrected it!!