
@MarieNicolee No problem! :D thanks for fanning back! c:


I'm such a horrible person ! I haven't wrote you in 2 months ! I am so sorry. I kept telling myself I need to go on wattpad but I never did. Forgive me one last time ? And I know, I finally have something that I like to do. Yeah it probably did take a while. I really want to take it to. Is it easier than actual school ? Oh that's sucky. You were forced into it ? Then yeah I get why you want to quit, you should find something that you want to do, not what someone else wants you to do. Haha wow you just really want piercings huh ? Well you will get them soon !! You only have two years ? Lucky, I have three ! And yeah I know, I'm so ready to give up. And you get rain ? We barely get rain here and I kinda miss it, but I love snow to ! Did you get any yet ? That sounds like such an amazing place to work, well not really. Hang in there though. Ugh, homework. I have so much homework. I'm such a slacker, I really do put the pro in procrastination. So much to do. I'm going to die of work overload. It's so great to hear from you and I know I've been horrible at replying lately but I'll get better ! I promise. Anyways, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!! Omg !! I can't believe it is christmas time ! My favorite time ever ! What do you want for xmas ? I can't wait to hear back ! <3<3