
          Hey Stranger ✨❤️✨
          What does love mean to you?
          You might be interested in the book I'm writing. It explores baring your  soul to someone in hopes that it would lead to true love.
          I'll be posting chapters every Fridays so you'll always have something to look forward to.✨
          I hope you join me on this journey.
          Warning! You might just fall in love!❤️


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          Aside from that, our Dreamland Reviews and Dreamland Help book are great for improving your writing.  Please forgive our slowness in updating though.  If your story needs any graphics such as covers or banners, we also have our Dreamland Graphics book!
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          Never stop dreaming! 
          - The Dreamland Team
          Discord Link: https://discord.gg/TekeVs7


Hi there, I stumbled across your profile after noticing we had similar tastes in books! My name is Jana and I’m a romantic comedy writer. I’m relatively new to the wattpad world and working on reaching out to people. I’m sort of passing out “virtual flyers” for my novel, Stolen Heart, and so thought I’d drop one here. Feel free to ignore or toss it away if you’re uninterested!! Appreciate your time ♥️
          Xoxo, Jana


Thanks so much! I really appreciate it and hope you enjoy it ♥️


@JSPRomComs Hi there Jana, very nice to meet you, I'll check it out.