
I just posted A new Courier Six Chapter, so go read that I guess 


@Th3_Sl4y3r Glad you're writing for that story again. Hope everything's been going well for you.


Just a question, do you ever plan on making a reboot of your Courier 6 book? Where you made the plot instead of the readers who wanted the MC to be just like the protagonists in those harem animes...


@Envixity-is-lost nah the original plan was to continue with Courier 6 until the Readers get themselves murdered, which was earlier than expected hence the reboot, I was going to transfer the soon to be plotlines from Courier six to "The end of the eternal war" but decided otherwise since the you got here on your own style wouldn't work since the MC's plot line was to be also carried over


Alright first post of 2024, busy with college, busy concepting and writing an original story  and the reason why I haven't posted a thing is that i was collabing with @arthasmenethil01 for a story on their little corner of the internet, just submitted it, so if you're intrested in any questions either about this project or any on going projects or projects that are being worked on behind the scenes feel free to ask, while I'm here and i don't disappear into the abyss again


In my latest chapter I had a visual mental breakdown, there is no reason for it, I am writing a sequel, you guys may dictate where the story will go, but I'm still in charge, I decide what the themes are, how the world that I created ends, and how the decisions affect the character and the people around them 


So I need to explain something, the reason why NOTHING is getting updated is because I'm trying to hone my skills in wordplay and prose (I still suck at it) in a side project that essentially is just me appealing to the edgy vampire YA crowd, with my own twist on it.
          One last thing, I am a Yoko Taro (creator of the Nier franchise and Drakengard series) fan and hope to be a writer like him someday, you can do what you want with that info
          So updates:
          Banished: I am literally rebooting the whole thing and I need help
          Courier Six: I just need to figure out how to put my vision into the work 
          AC X DXD : I nuked it from orbit because cringe 
          Highschool DxD X Male Reader: It's still going but updates are not very frequent I'm talking half a year for 3000 words it's more of a passion project at this point 
          Anything that is not mentioned here is either on hiatus or abandoned, If you want to you can adopt it or anything of the sort