
I'm back. I've been in the hospital...again. But I'm doing better so don't worry (if you were worrying in the first place). I apologize to those who have been waiting on their requests. I will do my best to find the time to catch up on them. If you have made a request and it has not been done yet, you may cancel it with me and go to someone else to hopefully get it done faster than I could. Some of you have already done similar things to that. I just don't want to keep you waiting too long. Thank you for your patience with my hectic life.


I don't really like to talk about the specifics of why I was in the hospital. But I understand your confusion.


@ThatBigB Again? Sry, this is my first time seeing a post like this from you. Why exactly are you in the hospital in the first place?


I'm back. I've been in the hospital...again. But I'm doing better so don't worry (if you were worrying in the first place). I apologize to those who have been waiting on their requests. I will do my best to find the time to catch up on them. If you have made a request and it has not been done yet, you may cancel it with me and go to someone else to hopefully get it done faster than I could. Some of you have already done similar things to that. I just don't want to keep you waiting too long. Thank you for your patience with my hectic life.


I don't really like to talk about the specifics of why I was in the hospital. But I understand your confusion.


@ThatBigB Again? Sry, this is my first time seeing a post like this from you. Why exactly are you in the hospital in the first place?


Hey to everyone who is seeing this. I know I have been gone for a while. I was in the hospital for 2 weeks(Don't worry, I'm fine) I took a break after I was discharged. But I'm back. I missed you guys and looked at all 867 notifications and a few messages. I can't wait to get back to writing and replying to you guys. Thank you for your patience and kindness. I'm happy to be back.
          With love
          DepressionPro(which sounds weird)