
I will be logging out of this account now.
          	I will probably never log back in simply because I can't, as I have said before, I don't have access to the gmail and I forgot the password. 
          	Please follow me on @ManicMonotone if you are interested in my writing. I wish I could stay on this account but unfortunately I cannot. I will also delete all of the stories so I can repost them on my new account. I will not be deleting this account as I simply can't without knowing the password, and I'd also like for it to stay as a memory.
          	Rest in peace, ThatFunkyAstronaut. I am afraid this is goodbye.


I will be logging out of this account now.
          I will probably never log back in simply because I can't, as I have said before, I don't have access to the gmail and I forgot the password. 
          Please follow me on @ManicMonotone if you are interested in my writing. I wish I could stay on this account but unfortunately I cannot. I will also delete all of the stories so I can repost them on my new account. I will not be deleting this account as I simply can't without knowing the password, and I'd also like for it to stay as a memory.
          Rest in peace, ThatFunkyAstronaut. I am afraid this is goodbye.


So, this Wattpad account was made on my old friend's gmail. They are no longer friends with me, more like enemies, but I forgot the password so I can't change the gmail. I'm pretty sure I know what the password was but it just doesn't work. I don't know if this is just because the gmail owner changed the password or because I forgot it. I don't know for sure, so I'm not blaming it on anyone.
          I have found two options, either I move from this account to a new one that I just made, or I try and contact my ex-friend who probably despises my guts to go through a process of me trusting them to reset the password, make a new one, tell me what that new password is so I can log into the account and change the gmail and password again. I doubt they will want to help me considering our past, but I just hope that we can cooperate at least with this situation. They might read this so if you are them, please help.