
Usually, I wouldn't make an announcement about leaving a fandom, but this time, this includes leaving Wattpad as well. I am leaving the MCYT fandom. Of course, I will still watch Technoblade (sub to him nerds), and may watch MCC championships, but I have seen things that I didn't like in the fandom. I'm not here to convince you to leave with me, or hate on the creators involved. The opposite infact. I just want to let you lovelies know. Now you may not agree with me, but Dream's channel grew wayyy too fast. That's a good thing, but it's a double edged sword. Even with him as an adult, he still has ways to grow as a youtuber. Him having no boundaries, and even defending his stans is something I do not like. Although I am not a content creator, I've seen other creators perspective (such as Jawsh and Carson), and I mostly agree with them. I'm going to be honest. I find Dream a tad childish (, and I'm praying that he sees his way. Cancel culture and his stans (STALKER fan, it's not super fan.) are TOXIC beyond belief. I just don't understand how he doesn't see that. Hopefully, this may give you some knowledge on what has been happening. Please don't take my opinion, as we are all different. Watch other people's perspective, and find you take on this situation. Overall, I have grown up, and every one of you people helped. This account I may visit once in a while, but it will mostly be abandoned. You may not think you impacted, but each and every one of you helped me grow as a person. I still have a long way to go, but thank you all for helping me to this place. I wish you the best in life! Peace everyone. <3


Usually, I wouldn't make an announcement about leaving a fandom, but this time, this includes leaving Wattpad as well. I am leaving the MCYT fandom. Of course, I will still watch Technoblade (sub to him nerds), and may watch MCC championships, but I have seen things that I didn't like in the fandom. I'm not here to convince you to leave with me, or hate on the creators involved. The opposite infact. I just want to let you lovelies know. Now you may not agree with me, but Dream's channel grew wayyy too fast. That's a good thing, but it's a double edged sword. Even with him as an adult, he still has ways to grow as a youtuber. Him having no boundaries, and even defending his stans is something I do not like. Although I am not a content creator, I've seen other creators perspective (such as Jawsh and Carson), and I mostly agree with them. I'm going to be honest. I find Dream a tad childish (, and I'm praying that he sees his way. Cancel culture and his stans (STALKER fan, it's not super fan.) are TOXIC beyond belief. I just don't understand how he doesn't see that. Hopefully, this may give you some knowledge on what has been happening. Please don't take my opinion, as we are all different. Watch other people's perspective, and find you take on this situation. Overall, I have grown up, and every one of you people helped. This account I may visit once in a while, but it will mostly be abandoned. You may not think you impacted, but each and every one of you helped me grow as a person. I still have a long way to go, but thank you all for helping me to this place. I wish you the best in life! Peace everyone. <3


Helloo everyone! I'm making a book about the people in the Dream AMP and lunch club, and basically making a sort of Hogwarts AU. So, there are houses, like sleepybois Inc and dream team. You get sorted into one. (There's an actual quiz, I'll post link later) and you have school! IDK if it's gonna be magic or not, but if you would like to participate (you'll be a student) Contact me! I'll give more details as well!


(BTW: If you don't want to choose a house, you can take a quiz to see what house you would be in! Please note that the quiz doesn't include Lunch club, and the potentially other fandoms I may include! Only MCYT. So if you want to be housed in another fandom, you must choose it! Thanks, and I hope I see you participating! :D


Why hello there! Are you going to participate?


Yoooo. Having a GINORMOUSS problem. I think I have discovered that I'm a theatre kid! (Does obsessing over musicals, singing, and acting by myself count as theatre kid traits?) ANYWAYS! GINORMOUS OBSTACLE! I. AM. EXTREMELY. SHY. Like, shy beyound belief. Like, can't stand being near people shy. Like, people assume I'm mute shy. UMMM. HELP?!


@ThatOneChillPerson I'm terrified of people too but what I do is when you are acting just think this. You are no longer yourself, but the character. You have no audience to fear, your only living your life as that character. Personally that helps me because that's the point of acting. You just. Become the character I guess. Idk if that helps you idk how to describe it sorry.