Greetings! I'm not sure how you've stumbled upon this account. Perhaps you've come from my previous one? Either way, not much to put in this description, just letting you know I'll be MUCH more active in this account than I ever was in my old one. Let it be noted that on this account I will have stories with profanity and won't shy away from more adult themes. Not so much sexuality but more so real life issues. I'll still be writing a metric crap ton of FanFiction, but some original stuff'll be there too. So pack your bags and hop on the Excess Express because we're taking a trip to Rogueport.
  • Ẹ̢̲̼͙͇̖̜̣͖̦͉̼͎̣̺͚̃ͯͪͫ̀͟͢Ȓ̋͑̒͊͑̏ͤ͛͘҉̷̸͔̞̖̳R̵̥̰͖̱͚̥̗̝͖̩͓̝̺͖̺̫̬ͬ̽ͫ̊ͥ͠ͅͅO̴̹̖̘̟͎͕̰̮̦̟̟̺̟̪̩͈͚̤̰͒͒̀̆̃̈́͆̑ͪR̯͚̫͔̱͒̓͊ͬ̍̎̔ͧͧͪͮ̍̍͋̕
  • JoinedMay 28, 2017