
I'm just trying to figure out, like, do people still write stories about songs? I hope so, because there is like endless amounts of songs that I would just love to read a good, cheesy story about! #CopCar-KeithUrban #MarvinGaye-MeaganTrainor #etcetcetc


Hey guys! Okay so its been a really long time since I've posted any messages to you, so I thought I'd give you guys an update. I actually work full-time now and manage my own house so I have to really focus when I finally get a chance to sit down and type! Anyway, I've added a few chapters to my story 'and then there was darkness...' as well as starting a few more. But before I continue, I need to know what you guys think and if I should continue with my writing! So guys, even just a simple vote or comment on any one of the stories that you'd like to see me go on with will give me the encouragement and help I need!
          Many thanks guys!! :D


@ThatRogueThought Hello there - Shontelleiya here. I am a long time fan & also blind myself so I have specvial interest in your story. I was thrilled when you did the big re-write some time ago to make this into a very original & separate tale & now I am hoping to make time to listen to the whole lot any time soon. I would beg you to continue - I love it & would wish to hear as mucc more as possible.  I hope this encourages you. You are a talented girl. Thanx. Love & kisses, always & forever, love from Shontelleiya xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx