
Hey dudes! I know it’s been a while. I am still trying to get use to the life in Massachusetts, it’s very different then Az. Also I graduated High School!!!!!!  This summer I will most likely be busy getting ready to go to Harvard, I will try to update my stories in the fall. Have a wonderful life! See you soon!!!


@That_One_Odd_Fangirl No problem! If I can score Harvard when it's time for College, I would FREAK.


Is Vanessa Monica your real name??


@That_One_Dude_lol Vanessa was the name of my dog who died right before I created my account and Monica is my cats name (I didn’t get to name the animals though, my little cousin threw a fit and she got to pick then)


Hey dudes! I know it’s been a while. I am still trying to get use to the life in Massachusetts, it’s very different then Az. Also I graduated High School!!!!!!  This summer I will most likely be busy getting ready to go to Harvard, I will try to update my stories in the fall. Have a wonderful life! See you soon!!!


@That_One_Odd_Fangirl No problem! If I can score Harvard when it's time for College, I would FREAK.