
Imagine rewriting a perfectly good character into a insufferable Mary Sue. I don’t usually use that phrase but honestly the way this character is being written makes them seem so annoying to just be around.


Alright y’all, if you look you’ll notice that I have removed Stygian off of my profile as well haha oops. I kinda lost inspiration and wasn’t liking it just like Inferno. I’m sure it will be getting a MAJOR revamp. While you mourn the loss of those two books you can look forward to a few of my up and comings including Throne, Dear, Athena, and I’m going to restart Connie, like, completely, fresh new story. On top of those I have two Star Wars fics, one taking place during the original trilogy called Senate and the other is a follow up to TROS, all head cannon, probably won’t last long.
          Anyways, bye bye.


I drafted Inferno because I thought there were a bunch of plot holes in it and I’m just having major writers block with it. Don’t worry, eventually I’ll get to fixing it (and I mean FIXING it there will be MAJOR changes) but for now it’s just chillin in my drafts. I’m sorry for anyone who liked it but I just wasn’t satisfied with it.


Oh my god I hate people sometimes. Let me tell you something, I completely support abortions, hate me idc (past 35 weeks I’m kinda meh about). You see your body, that uterus that’s in there? It’s your uterus, you should be able to do whatever you damn please and not be shamed for it.