
Hey! Thank you for following me, Murron! 
          I appreciate you stopping by to check out my work.
          “Horror in Deep Space” is a short story set in the Star Wars universe that I wrote almost two years ago and uploaded here for safekeeping. 
          “Steelheart” was my first book, and I may finish it one day. It is a twisted take on a superhero's humanity... but he isn't really human at all.
          “EXTRAordinary” will likely never see completion but was fun to begin writing. A mere concept based on the LINE WEBTOON comic by the name of UNordinary.
          “Story Cover Creator” is where I make book covers, free of charge! Minimal writing and a lot of neat edited photos!
          “War Robots” is my longest and most popular novel and is an original story based off of a popular mobile game of the same name. With over seventy-thousand words and forty chapters, I hope to one day send it in to both the Wattys and to the company that created the mobile game, Pixonic! It’s sequel, titled “War Robots Season Two” and a prequel, "War Robots: Springfield" are currently being written.
          Once again, I really do appreciate you following me. Thank you!


Thanks for following me, Murron.
          If you're a sociologist, you might find THE VISITOR to be the most interesting.
          I've written non-fiction and science fiction. I've put links to the front page of each of them below. THE VISITOR is my own personal favourite although MINDSLIP is the most imaginative.
 - Evelyn Slater discovers something unexpected in low-Earth orbit. My first attempt at a female lead character.
 - a nearby supernova causes chaos on Earth. What happens to Geoff in this story is what led me to write Evelyn in The Visitor as a woman.
 - a story written without a plot. I let the characters create the story themselves.
 - the first draft is now complete.
 is my latest work in progress, started a couple of weeks ago. It is galactic view of the reasons why Earth was locked out of the Federation.
 - non-fiction for anyone who doesn't understand Scottish history, but told using only the bloodiest stories.
 - I have been involved at Loch Ness for over forty years and this is the most comprehensive book written on the subject (seriously).
 - a dramatised non-fiction account of the life of my, mainly, my mother's family who were in a very poor state in Scotland in the early twentieth century.
          Hope one/some of those will be of interest. As you are following me you will learn what I'm doing on trying to get mainstream published. 
          I also run a Space & Science Fiction blog here:
          All the best,