
Hey everyone it's been a while sorry for not updating life has been kind of depressing lately and I've basically lost all motivation to write and because of complaints and recommendations i keep getting and even though i said it a hundred times I'll say again it's not my story but after serious consideration I've decided to stop the story and unpublish it. It wasn't mine to begin and I'm truly sorry for everyone for waiting to see it finished but if you want to read the story it's on fanfiction. As for me i have another story idea that is my own I'll keep you updated on the process i have with this story idea i have it should come out soon. Stay safe everyone and may your dreams come true. - TheAnimatedUniverse 


Hey everyone it's been a while sorry for not updating life has been kind of depressing lately and I've basically lost all motivation to write and because of complaints and recommendations i keep getting and even though i said it a hundred times I'll say again it's not my story but after serious consideration I've decided to stop the story and unpublish it. It wasn't mine to begin and I'm truly sorry for everyone for waiting to see it finished but if you want to read the story it's on fanfiction. As for me i have another story idea that is my own I'll keep you updated on the process i have with this story idea i have it should come out soon. Stay safe everyone and may your dreams come true. - TheAnimatedUniverse 


In the future, can you make one where they watch Pirates of the Caribbean?


@weebusnojutsu  Not sure if i said this to you cause I've said this to a lot of people but this person's story is stolen from here and I contacted the original author and he confirmed that he never gave this person permission to post his story here.