
Hey guys and gals. So you might know that I haven't been on Wattpad for ages. During that time lapse, I've been thinking about my free time and lots of great and new ideas of books. I wanted to start fresh, so I deleted all of my olds stories and will be writing new and better ones soon. I hope you'll appreciate them.


Hey guys and gals. So you might know that I haven't been on Wattpad for ages. During that time lapse, I've been thinking about my free time and lots of great and new ideas of books. I wanted to start fresh, so I deleted all of my olds stories and will be writing new and better ones soon. I hope you'll appreciate them.


Hello guys and gals, so you might know that I haven't been on Wattpad for ages. So I've been having lots of ideas of new books and I want to start fresh. So every story you've seen me wrote are gone. Tell if you what you think. I'm sorry if you loved them. I'll be writing new and better stories soon.