
Hello fellow Earth Wanderers! It has indeed been an awfully lengthy period of time after I had last updated, BUT I have some good news and some bad news (for anyone that cares). Bad news is, I am in one of my senior years of school so writing will be even more difficult for me as I need to organise my time wisely. Good news is that I have pending stories that I am pretty excited about. I hope I can get them done and published as soon as possible. 
          	I want to ask my readers whether you would like me to publish a zombie story? I have written one up for an assessment task at school and I thought, why not? Not to boast, but I think the way I ended it was pretty awesome. Spoiler alert though, it may not be to your standards for a zombie storey. It is a very toned down story but please do read it if you want!
          	From the bottom of my heart. *bows*


Hello fellow Earth Wanderers! It has indeed been an awfully lengthy period of time after I had last updated, BUT I have some good news and some bad news (for anyone that cares). Bad news is, I am in one of my senior years of school so writing will be even more difficult for me as I need to organise my time wisely. Good news is that I have pending stories that I am pretty excited about. I hope I can get them done and published as soon as possible. 
          I want to ask my readers whether you would like me to publish a zombie story? I have written one up for an assessment task at school and I thought, why not? Not to boast, but I think the way I ended it was pretty awesome. Spoiler alert though, it may not be to your standards for a zombie storey. It is a very toned down story but please do read it if you want!
          From the bottom of my heart. *bows*


I sincerely apologise for such long waits between my updates but I had met with a technical difficulty that cause me trouble in getting on Wattpad but thank you to those patient souls and fellow followers. I will try to update some as soon as possible! From the bottom of my heart *bows* -The ChibiWriter


Awkward moment when you accidentally vote for your own story 0.0' I am unable to 'unvote'! 'Fessing up because it really was an accident! Don't think I go around voting for my own stories! "OTL Not that it says I was the one who voted..


@TheChibiWriter  keke yes! I also agree with you about the end.... I was so upset i was literally shaking my phone screaming "no!!! That cant be the end!" Oh and i recently watched this new anime called Sword Art Online , you should watch it! it is sooo good! Season 2 is coming out this year!!! hurrayyyy!! \*w*/