
Hello everyone! I doubt many of you will see this or want to read this, but I have recently been thinking about making a story/book/au for the Dream SMP! It is in no way completed or really thought out much but I have the basic sketch posted in the only book I have posted! Please check it out and give me some feedback, your help is always appreciated! Happy New Years, and remember to take care of yourselves!


Hello everyone! I doubt many of you will see this or want to read this, but I have recently been thinking about making a story/book/au for the Dream SMP! It is in no way completed or really thought out much but I have the basic sketch posted in the only book I have posted! Please check it out and give me some feedback, your help is always appreciated! Happy New Years, and remember to take care of yourselves!


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              How are you doing right now?
              Be honest with me, I won't judge.
              Remember I live you, you are special!
               I'm always here to talk to! ❤️


@TheEyelessHeart thats sooo sweet that you! ❤❤❤❤


@BlissfullDreaming If you ever need to vent or just wanna talk I'm always here to listen! Don't be shy or afraid to ask, I won't judge and there's nothing you can do or say to make me change my opinion that you are beautiful, unique, and deserved to be loved!❤️❤️❤️


@TheEyelessHeart im doing quite horribly but its better now, thank u ❤❤


I also am going to be deleting my books from Wattpad, they will never be updated sadly. It has been years since I started it years ago, I no longer have the same style and there really isn't much of a fandom left :(.... Also I've had my  wisdom teeth taken out recently and I am having to heal slowly from that. No one has to read this (if anyone does) if anyone wants to take over my book lmk and I'll give you the approval, and might check in on it from time to time.
          TL:DR - I am basically deleting my books and never updating again due to lack of a fandom, Interest change, and style differences (and it's been a few years) I will give my book away to someone if someone wants it, I will only be reading, commenting, and chatting with ppl on this app not writing. Thank you for understanding! ❤️


I don't send out announcements much but I will for the first time. Read below if u want plz.
          (Message for anyone who needs it, if you are having a rough time it's okay to be upset. The tough bouts in life are there to make you value the great moments, without one you can't appreciate the other. If you ever wanna talk just send me a message, I'll be glad to talk with u and u can always vent to me! I love and appreciate you no matter what, and I'll do my best to help. But it's up to you to decide!❤️)


But I feel like I let everyone down and am not good enough, that they'll run if they knew who I was and sometimes am inside. It's not there fault and I love them all dearly, I just can't help but be disappointed in myself. I don't want attention, or maybe I do so I can get some help but I'm to shy or worried to say anything about it. So that's why I say it here where no one will read or find it. I keep thinking back and wish i was reliving those times when all I had to worry about was when I could go hang out with my friend and have a sleepover as a kid. I just don't know anymore, I'm a junior in HS and in a club which I love but I don't know what to look forward to anymore. I mean I look forward to seeing my friends of course, we live in different counties or cities and only see each other 1-2 time a week before quarantine at church. Yes I am  religious, which I guess makes this harder for me. Because as a Christian  supposed to be act and think a certain way and be perfect for those around me, and I'm not. I know the typical sermon on how everybody is a dinner and no one is perfect, and I know how important mental health is. I guess this really did help me clear my head. I feel better now that I've vented, and I think I'll continue to vent somewhere and somehow during dark days. I hope anyone who reads this is doing good and I guess thanks for reading my venting? This is probably the first time I have ever vented so this is a little weird for me but imma continue to fight! ❤️


No one will see this so I guess I can vent here? First and foremost If you see a story written by me I will probably never finish it. I haven't had a bad life but I don't feel mentally stable all the time. I have friends and family that love but it's hard to just get through this, especially during quarantine. I'm fighting and will continue to try and get better, hopefully when school is back I'll get better. I keep rethinking past relationships with friends.