
Hello, is anyone still active?! I am starting to write again! I hope everyone is doing well in the Wattpad world! :))


Check out my new novel Eat. 
          “Beauty, what will we be without it? Have you ever felt hunger you can’t feel?”
          Max a typical teenage girl that just wants to fit in that because of everyone’s expectations struggles with body image into fit in at school fill bullies, classmates and even rude family members. What will it take to be beautiful? When she feels there’s about no hope for herself, a new friend arrives a friend that will make a change in her in a lifetime.
          A horror story filled with sensitive topics of body image, female sexuality, and beauty standards. I hope you check it out!
          If your sensitive to these types of topics please do not read. 


It sux I wanted to be part of the wattys but life tends to get in the way.  I miss writing greatly! I have stories I want to write I hope I can soon!


@stawberrysadbaby I feel this spiritually. Life sucks the motivation right out of you. I have so many good stories I wish I could write, or finish, but I never can. Maybe one day! 


Hey guys! I've been so busy with school It's sux. I just want to write and be alone tbh. Everything gets so stressful sometimes. Anyways how r u are guys doing? I hope you all are doing good. I want to get back into writing again... Soon. Soon...


Hey guys, I am very sorry I have been inactive. I am starting my own business. I sell lipgloss and bundles <3 while taking full classes. I miss writing very much, but I am almost done with my classes. Once I finish, I will get around to writing and editing my stories again. I hope you stick around<3


@mistake2002 ty for replying and understanding ❤️


@stawberrysadbaby take your time i feel you as a writer