
Well, another addition to the Elden Ring Fanfic - The Crow is finally out. Melina is introduced, but... she's not so willing to play the role of maiden.


Hi hi!! I realised that i haven't reached out to you and properly thank you since wattpad turned off dms. So thanks. And I hope you're doing ok


@Dairian_wolf  i had thought you'd forget about me. Im glad you answered.
            And  same. The exact same thing you just said. Nobody told me that being an adult was this hard T_T 


@Dairian_wolf it's such a good surprise to hear from you! Even though I wasn't on Wattpad for long, I'm glad you remembered me! God's been good, can't complain. working my 9-5 and slowly chipping away at my main WIP. What about you?  


So I uploaded a new manuscript here for the first time in MONTHS. It's not Heartwell (although it's still ongoing), it's a fanfiction I'm juggling alongside it just for nuance. 
          If you like Elden Ring, and want to read stuff from yours truly, I suggest checking it out! It's called "Elden Ring - The Crow"


I counted the page counts on all the Google docs I wrote Heartwell on, and I'm in page 351! Glory to God! 
          The most recent chapter is perhaps one of my favorites in the story so far! (Although most of not all the chapters are memorable) in this one, the kids get into a confrontation with the Corpse Fetchers, and Bridgid encounters God's power for the 2nd time in the form of a wheel angel (ophanim) Gatling gun that protects her from the black eyed children!
          That chapter is in Part 2, which I've dedicated myself to instead of fully completing part 1 (which explains my lack of chapter releases). I'm not certain when imma go back to editing part 1. But of course, if you want a little trailer - a chunk of text from part 2 to look at , let me know!


Hi, how are you? Sorry to bother you! It's just that on Nov 15 you said my review would be done in 2-3 weeks and now I've been waiting for a month and 2 days. 


@FatimaS529 no I'll wait it's okayy


I just noticed how the guys story is dialogue based, so it really shouldn't take me long. The option to swap reviewers is still on the table though.


@FatimaS529 so there's no easy way to say this, but I got someone before you. Really sorry about that. If you want, I could perhaps transfer you over to another reviewer, or you can just wait. The commission I'm doing now is much shorter, but you know my nature by now.


Before you request me to review your stories, just read through my form. Most of my client base has been romance, and I clearly stated that I'd rather not review romance in my form. For now on, I'll turning away anyone who brings up their romance novel up for review, as I don't find such stories to be captivating. 
          It's my personal taste, nothing personal. Reviewing books in genres I don't care for makes my job harder than it needs to be 


@TheManofFiction Like it's main genre is romance, or no romance main plot or sub plot period? Curious because I have a story that has a romance sub-plot, but it doesn't have anything that can be classified as vaguely romantic till chap 6/7.