
          	So, I got suddenly pulled out of my writer's block for a bit while playing Cyberpunk2077 (highly recommend. Great game.) I became so inspired that I wrote two new fics. 
          	"Puppet Master" is a smutty one-shot between female street kid V and Johnny Silverhand. I wish I could explain how that came about, but aside from just being insanely attracted to Johnny (simply because it's Keanu Reeves with a metal arm), I have no idea. 
          	"When Worlds Collide" is a slightly longer fic. I basically got an idea to smash 3 different missions together and link them together to make a story. Same characters as "Puppet Master" but adding in some of the River Ward romance.  So there's smut but smut with some plot and a bit of fluff thrown in. Also, while I do love River's character and personality, his character design in-game isn't very appealing to me (too bulky and not a fan of guys with no hair. No shame, just preference) so I headcanon that he looks like Jesse Williams instead. For anybody who has played Detroit: Become Human, basically, I imagine him looking kind of like Markus. His voice is very similar so I figured it matched better.
          	But anyways... that's what's new. I hope those who read it enjoy it. :) 
          	P.S. As for the other series I have in progress, I still intend on continuing them. I'm just... stuck. Please be patient. :)


          So, I got suddenly pulled out of my writer's block for a bit while playing Cyberpunk2077 (highly recommend. Great game.) I became so inspired that I wrote two new fics. 
          "Puppet Master" is a smutty one-shot between female street kid V and Johnny Silverhand. I wish I could explain how that came about, but aside from just being insanely attracted to Johnny (simply because it's Keanu Reeves with a metal arm), I have no idea. 
          "When Worlds Collide" is a slightly longer fic. I basically got an idea to smash 3 different missions together and link them together to make a story. Same characters as "Puppet Master" but adding in some of the River Ward romance.  So there's smut but smut with some plot and a bit of fluff thrown in. Also, while I do love River's character and personality, his character design in-game isn't very appealing to me (too bulky and not a fan of guys with no hair. No shame, just preference) so I headcanon that he looks like Jesse Williams instead. For anybody who has played Detroit: Become Human, basically, I imagine him looking kind of like Markus. His voice is very similar so I figured it matched better.
          But anyways... that's what's new. I hope those who read it enjoy it. :) 
          P.S. As for the other series I have in progress, I still intend on continuing them. I'm just... stuck. Please be patient. :)


Hey everyone!  A couple of announcements:
          First, I've opened my own Esty shop called FlyteWrites! There I write letters from people's favorite characters! Currently, I'm only offering Dragon Age and Mass Effect ones but hopefully, soon I can expand to other games and tv shows! 
          Shop link --->
          Secondly, I have also made a Ko-Fi account so if anybody who likes my work wants to show their appreciation/support, you can easily give me a tip here ( or at my shop. :)
          Hope everybody has a great day! 


Hello Again!
          How's everybody holding up? I'm a bit late but Happy Holidays everyone! I hope everybody made it through into the new year safe and sound.
          My life has been a bit hectic as of late so I apologize for going MIA again. I promise that I'm still working on my stories and haven't given up on them! I've just been preoccupied with work and mental health stuff on top of doing some other writing. For those who don't know, I also run a blog and write on Medium  where I review games, tv shows and talk about issues regarding mental health and other topics. Link to my blog is on my profile for anybody interested. :)
          Other than that, I just wanted to drop by and see how everybody is and give a quick update! If there are any stories in particular people want to see updated, feel free to comment or message and I'll try to get on that! 
          Have a good day, everyone!
          - A


So... while suffering major writers' block with literally all my stories (working through it) I took to finally playing the Mass Effect trilogy (Legendary Edition) since it was highly recommended for quite a while. Thought I was gonna hate it but wound up loving it!  I am working on a two-part one-shot (two-shot?) that takes place near the start of ME2.  Hopefully, it should be done and posted fairly soon! Just in case anybody is interested in that... 


Good morning, everyone!
          It's been a crazy couple of weeks and more craziness is coming up! I quit my job, started a new job, reconnected with some old pals and I'm moving o a new place at the end of the month! I also am starting school again in the Fall! Lots of exciting stuff but that's not what this is about.  A couple of announcements for y'all:
           1-   I'm almost finished with my next chapter of Forgotten. Sadly, I ran into a bit of writer's block that had stalled it. However, thanks to my awesome friend @DustinTemple, I gave gotten the old juices flowing again! (That sounded a lot less gross in my head...)
          2-   I'm working on some of my older stories again as well. There is a rewrite of Betrayal in the works and I am also planning and working on Vengeance. Don't worry y'all, I'm not giving up on my Robin Hood series! It's just going a bit slow and I'm a bit rusty.
          Aside from Fated also being worked on, that is about all the announcements I got for ya! Hope this has made at least a couple of people happy. Feel free to go check out my stories and show some of the ones you enjoy some love. Comments and votes are always appreciated! ;) Have a great day/night, Everyone!
          P.S. Welcome back to my friend, @StefanieMizanin! She's been on a bit of a hiatus and has returned with a vengeance! If you like WWE stories, she has quite a few amazing ones that I highly recommend checking out! Feel free to go check her and her AWESOME stories out and show them both some love! :D


@StefanieMizanin Yes! :D I'm rewriting it to add in some stuff. ^^


@TheNightWatchman Betryal is coming back?! YESSS!!!!


I have read part one betrayal and part two vengeance of the shadow hunters trilogy have you written the final part three yet


@MelvynFeltham Hello! Sorry for the very late response. The app on my phone hasn't been showing me any notifications recently. First off, thank you for reading my stories! I appreciate it! As for your question, Vengeance is actually still in progress. I haven't finished it just yet but I'm slowly getting back to working on it. It was put on hold for a while but new chapters are in the works!


Hello all!
          So, I know I'm not exactly known for updating my stories regularly....something I really want to fix in the future!  Right now, I've taken a bit of a break from writing  for a couple reasons. Primarily, in my personal life, I'm unfortunately mourning  the loss of an old friend who passed away right before the new year from suicide.  It was a hard blow and I'm definitely still reeling from the news. :( 
          Once things begin to settle down, I hope to come back with plenty of motivation and inspiration to return to my Dragon Age and Robin Hood BBC series and reevaluate what has happened thus far and what I wanted to happen so I can get back to writing! I definitely miss it and seeing the wonderful feedback from you guys. 
          Take care everyone and to all those who are fighting their own demons right now, just remember that #YourStoryIsntOverYet
          - TheNightWatchman aka Ana