
I'm going back to writing but i'm thinking quick short story's for now:) im in a much better place, i hope you enjoy what im going to be posting soon! -Bugz


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Soo... No writing for anything has been pushed back do to somethings going on that are affecting my mental health negatively I'm so many ways that me not crying yet is a fucking suprise. So yeah here's an update bye:)) -Rem's


So... hi I know I have been un active for a bit I'm just mentality drained and have been for a bit so I'm just writing for my motivation to come back and that will take a while so be prepared to wait anywhere from 2 days to 1 year. - Your favorite Omni&Trans author Remmy<3


I'm mentally getting better, and my head isn't in such a bad place. And I'm going to be seeing a therapist in 1-2 months or less:)) I'm working on some secret projects rn and I think some of you are gonna like them. They wont be done for a while but stay tuned for updates and such! -Remmy