
So... hey guys... um... well. I just got dumped by the love of my life... So I'm not so sure how much I'll be updating... Um... ya... It hurts like a bitch.


I want this to be to be taken seriously, if you have a friend that you really care about and they are in a really deep depression and you are afraid that they are going to do something drastic, then you be there for them no matter what. I almost lost a dear friend of mine today, it's probably one of the most scariest things I've ever gone through. Thanks to his mum, he is alive and in the hospital right now recovering. I want to thank my good friend Angel for helping me. I love all of y'all. I'm always here if you need me. Just on the other side of the screen.


Hey guys! Make sure to check out my new sorta biography called "My Life Being a Spiritual Magnet". I think you all would like it! I'm also thinking about creating another book where you all can enter in your own experiences with the paranormal! I think it would be fun! Love ya guys! <3