
Politics don't come here. Racism doesn't come here. Religious persecution doesn't come here. This is a drama free, news channel free, tabloid free, basically anything that involves lies and people willing to hurt others for views free zone. If you're for political correctness, professionalism, or someone to raise Cain with, well, move along. All who just want to read and ignore the mess outside, you've come home my children. Let us read, write, and be the nerds, geeks and freaks we are. 


Politics don't come here. Racism doesn't come here. Religious persecution doesn't come here. This is a drama free, news channel free, tabloid free, basically anything that involves lies and people willing to hurt others for views free zone. If you're for political correctness, professionalism, or someone to raise Cain with, well, move along. All who just want to read and ignore the mess outside, you've come home my children. Let us read, write, and be the nerds, geeks and freaks we are. 


Ok. My story " when  the spotlights failed me"had taken a totally different route then I thought it would so now I'm just gonna stop trying to get it back and let it takes its own path.  It is now called "sins of the other." I have it under random since I don't really know what else to put it under. If you have any ideas about which catagory it should go under please tell cause I really don't know. 


I haven't read any of your stories but I will once I get the chance. Just felt like doing something insane. #followingyou#


Nope, no reason at all


Besides, is there really a reason not to have a book full of adorable pictures of kittens?


Literally it's just a book of pictures of kittens. I have a kitten obsession so I made a book of kitten pictures because I got bored. 