
Ok so i have figured out a story for a FNAF story it would take place on fnaf 3 so basically ot would be a mike vs afton story but i do plan on brining in the withered/og freddy bonnie chica and foxy this wont follow the actual story 


@TheRenegadepower consider me intruiged


Ayo do you plan to continue with the story of Noodle in plastic beach? The story is very good (=^・ェ・^=)?
          Sorry for my bad English, I'm using translator I0I0


@ TheRenegadepower  Oh okay d(= ˉωˉ=)✧


@EP1C-P210N1C yea i will im just trying to get some money so i can get a new living arrangement 


I've been thinking about doing a Five Nights At Freddy's story, but this isn't a shipping story. This story will be a pov on micheal or Mike as he knows, and this story will be a bit darker than the actual story. I've seen a few fanfics on fnaf, and 2 that I've read depicted Will afton as a child lover. My question is, why? Why do people feel like making Afton a pedo? Anyway, my fnaf story will be way more mature than its depicted in games and the movie. That's an idea I've been kicking around. What do you guys think?


@TheRenegadepower I don't know why people say William Afton is a pedo when he is shown to just be a murder but these are weird teenagers who think that way. Try to make something work and we'll see if your fanfic works.




@LanvilNova i have many ideas but since i havent written the story in a long time i dont know what would fit for the story 


@LanvilNova been really busy it will take a while for me to write the last chapter before having to plan out how im going to end the series 


@TheRenegadepower Question. When will you update ladybugs story


Ok so ive also been thinking of something else i was thinking about doing a original story a remake of "could this be my family?" It was on boywonder4 but i lost motivation at that time but ive been thinking about doing that or i could do a cyberpunk edgerunner story for Rebecca but idk what to do


Do “could this be my family”


Ive been thinking of making a Millie (helluva boss) and reader story but either it would destroy her and moxxie relationship or make it where her and moxxie never got married but work together idk if it would work but ive been kicking the idea around


@TheRenegadepower alright I see that sounds better. 


@RockyKennedy2004 mostly work but ive been updating another story the noodle story will be next


Where have you been????? I've been waiting for more Noodle x male reader stories.


Ok so ya must realized by now that the miraculous story is getting lots of updates and i have theast chapters where i left off almost done so next few chapter will be completely new so i have a question for yall i was thinking of adding the miraculous squad the other miraculous holders but at the same time i dont want to add for pther reasons what do yall think?


(Part 3) Thank you to everyone that has read and interact with my story. Up to this day, it really does mean a lot. And honestly, if it wasn't for you guys still reading and interacting. I probably would equip the page a long time ago, so thank you for the bottom of my heart.


@TheRenegadepower emoji don't work here thumbsup! 


@storly thank you ive seen u on the page for a long time thank you for not giving up on this 


(Part 2)
          I mostly wanted to give everyone an update to let you guys, and i'm still here But I also wanted to talk about the lack of uploads that Been going on and there's a reason why why I was writing the miraculous story. I just kinda lost motivation for it now. I'm not saying that I lost like the will to finish the story now. The story will get done is just that its way. Slow were mainly because everything that I've written so far. I've already written back in the boy. Wonderful, and it just gets boring.  I'm rewriting the same stuff you know. I have a lot of ideas for the miraculous story and I already got the ending picked out and everything so I out there's that but there's just been mostly a reason why I haven't been writing and that's because I've lost a little bit of motivatdoesn't compare to boy wonderful or not. That many people read when stories and interact. So that's a little bit of a motivation killer but i promise the stories will be finished 


@Jhinnie99 Thanks for supporting the page lol im currently finishing up the next chapter for miraculous and the MHA story too 


@TheRenegadepower I think the lack of interaction in the chapters of the ladybug story cause most readers already read it on your past acc. And that acc. has more chapters so readers probably read there more for the uninterrupted reading until the latest chapter, though I voted all of the chapters on both account, I vote on every story I read cause I think it motivates the author xD