
Hey cyberdogs! Ignore any activity you see over here, we're just sprucing things up a bit. Not exactly going to roleplay here per say, but we sure are plotting something elsewhere!


<< Hello! :)) >>


            *Red would blankly stare for a couple minutes, trying to both breath normally and shake off the weird feeling that whatever that was gave him. Still a bit dazed, but doing fine*
            "Y-Yes. Yes I understand how that may feel like- I need not for a explanation, just to never touch a so called 'memory cloud' again. Too weird for me, m'lady."


@TheRenverse *Red would get a feeling like as if he lost his breath for a moment before something weird happened- he was suddenly letting Wooloo back down, who jumped onto the bed again. Teagan repeated the same thing again.* Yep- it's a very... Distracting experience- For example- *exact same thing* Here, try touching this- *Exact same stuff happened, and then as suddenly as it happened, as he caught the cloud, the illusion faded away, and was back to the present after another out of breath feeling. The whole thing lasted only maybe the same  past minute, yet it felt....w e I r d. The cloud dissipated. Teagan winced*
            ....Ee-yeah. When people touch a Memory Cloud that doesn't have a story in them, they... Ah experience a very weird.... Deja Vu??? I dunno how to describe it, but it's basically an illusion-


            "Distracting?..How so?"
            *He'd catch the cloud best he could, holding it with two hands*