
The wattpad app keeps crashing :/ can't read anything that just sucks


It's beautiful to see that the reads on my Oneshots go up faster and faster. And I really want to write a new one. But I actually have to concentrate on a term paper I have to write for uni and I am already the master in procrastinating for that because it's a horrible topic and I rather want to die instead of writing it.
          If I start writing a new Oneshot now (or a new Chapter for 'A Reason To Love') I will never continue and finish this bloody paper.
          There won't be an update in the next few weeks. I'm really sorry about it! :(
          I hope you can understand it! I love you guys :) xx.


2.7k on my Oneshots, this is nuts! Thank you so much! To celebrate, I'll probably write a new one, if I find some time in the next few days!
          And I shamelessly promote myself. Check out my new fanfic 'A Reason To Love'. It's a football! Louis, model! Harry AU. I already posted the prologue and three chapters and it would be nice if I get some feedback, so I know if it's okay like that or should change my idea a bit :)


Hey guys, so I started writing a new fanfiction. It's called "A Reason To Love".
          Louis is a footballer and Harry a model. The prologue is already up and it would be really awesome if you give me some feedback, so I know if it's a good idea or not. That would be very nice and appreciated!
          You can read it here:
          Thanks for a few minutes of wasting your time :D
          Love you xx.