
guys Its official I'm going to be a scientist I have a college place for science I just need to finish my leaving and pass


since its been a long time alot has change still the mad weird republican i like hetalia but its more a background thing until season 7 airs in march or april overall my adolescence was hell but i honestly think when im older ill look back and go "wtf?" ill be ok in the end i think my depression is seasonal but reversed i get very anxious and depressed in the spring and summer but im ok in the autumn and winter its spring now and im a little depressed and anxious low energy but im gonna try some things to help me i do get anxiety year round but its at its worse in the summer and spring my grades are good in my winter exams i got 2 A's and 1 C I got the C in maths but an A in CSPE and english im dead focused on my future cus im tired of living the same cycle its hard but itll be worth it i just accepted my adolescence sucked theres nothing i can do to change that but i can make sure the future is ok thats all i can do and its ok