
Announcement: Yo guys, sorry if I haven't updated "The Star Within Us", is js that I'm preparing for Junior year  and that I want to enjoy summer because school starts in like 3 weeks. But hopefully once summer ends, I'll be able to update my book! Anyways meanwhile I'm enjoying my break, you guys can read Emily's book! "Umbrella", she's still updating cuz she finished High school (lucky ahh)


I mean summer break 


Announcement: Yo guys, sorry if I haven't updated "The Star Within Us", is js that I'm preparing for Junior year  and that I want to enjoy summer because school starts in like 3 weeks. But hopefully once summer ends, I'll be able to update my book! Anyways meanwhile I'm enjoying my break, you guys can read Emily's book! "Umbrella", she's still updating cuz she finished High school (lucky ahh)


I mean summer break 