
          Dear daddy, 
          Its me, Emily. And I have news. 
          I'm moving away with Ed, my cousin. Him and I did something terrible and it turned out even worse. We were selfish, oblivious, childish, and so much more. I'm crying while writing this, literally. Him and I feel terrible. I hare myself even more. I lost everything for one action. I don't want to say what we did... Just ask Jacob or Cameron. Anyways, I lost everything. My love, most of my family, just-just everything, daddy. I never told you my crush but... He was Luke Daniels from 4SOS @AngiexTinaxChris and @x4SecsOfSummer. He hates me now. The whole Daniels family hates me. That's why I'm moving far away from here with Edward. To let the family be peaceful without us. 
          I love you. A lot. I'll come down to visit sometimes, but not often. Sorry.... 
          Your little girl, 
          Emily Acacia Horan xxx


-sighs, holding the letter- -lets tears escape-


Dear Niall,
          You'r the best thing that ever happened to me. Honestly. You gave me light in my dark world. I fall more and more in love with you every time I see you. I love how you treat the kids. Even though Emily can be such a badass sometimes, she softens for you. She loves you more than anything else in this world. When you're not around, she can be so... mean. But thanks for her cousins, Ed, Darcy, Anne, and Colton. They keep her sane when you're not around.
          If you weren't here, just imagine Jacob and Cameron. Jacob would be just like Emily, maybe even worse. Cameron wouldn't be as happy as he is right now. 
          You keep this whole family together. Without you, it would fall apart. And when you were gone, it was.
          I love you, baby. xx
                                                     Katie x