
Hey guys.
          	So.... I'm gonna delete wattpad...
          	I'm sorry guys but with everything that's going on atm my priorities are with my family and making sure they're safe.
          	Maybe when this has all blown over I'll come back but forenow, I'm gonna take my curtain call and bid you all a fond Farewell.
          	Hope you all stay safe and are looking after yourselves as well as the people around you and hopefully I'll see you guys in the future one day.
          	Farewell friends <3
          	The Unworthy Christian


@RollDashPidgeAmyGum you're very welcome man. I'll still be here in this world so when I come back after all this is over then I'll be sure to message you first. 
          	  You're welcome to message me then about anything that's troubling you. Stay safe and keep your head held high, things will get better. There just has to be a storm before there's a rainbow.
          	  Stay strong mate <3


          	   Thank You for everything You've done to me 


I don't want You to Leave
          	  You've helped me through a lot of things ang when I need someone to talk to....You were always there for me 
          	  But I guess I have to let You go ang this is a Goodbye 
          	  Farewell My Friend :')


Hey guys.
          So.... I'm gonna delete wattpad...
          I'm sorry guys but with everything that's going on atm my priorities are with my family and making sure they're safe.
          Maybe when this has all blown over I'll come back but forenow, I'm gonna take my curtain call and bid you all a fond Farewell.
          Hope you all stay safe and are looking after yourselves as well as the people around you and hopefully I'll see you guys in the future one day.
          Farewell friends <3
          The Unworthy Christian


@RollDashPidgeAmyGum you're very welcome man. I'll still be here in this world so when I come back after all this is over then I'll be sure to message you first. 
            You're welcome to message me then about anything that's troubling you. Stay safe and keep your head held high, things will get better. There just has to be a storm before there's a rainbow.
            Stay strong mate <3


             Thank You for everything You've done to me 


I don't want You to Leave
            You've helped me through a lot of things ang when I need someone to talk to....You were always there for me 
            But I guess I have to let You go ang this is a Goodbye 
            Farewell My Friend :')


Hey guys sorry that I've been super inactive atm but I'm really busy and I've hit a lot of stuff on my mind atm so just trudging through.
          If yall still want me to try and post a story then I'll try my best but I'm not making any promises.
          Okie. See yall soon! ^_^


Okay so, everyone that I follow atm are posting really positive messages like "make sure you drink water" or like sending positive song lyrics.
          And I'm just here like completely surprised.
          Like, I was not expecting to get hit in the face with a load of positive mental attitude today.
          Thank you guys for all the positive vibes. I honestly really appreciate it  <3


            The two positive announcements I've seen are this one and one that says 'Yeet'