
My entry for the @Fantasy contest is finished (just in time). I'll be returning to working on Year of the Mouse now! Well.. not now, now. It's 3am for me. I'm sleeping now, now.


Dear fellow Wattpaders,
          With the advent of wall conversations now blast notifications to all followers, I would like to make a request. Please don't blast that you're hungry and are out of instant noodles. Please don't blast that you're so tired and just can't today. Please don't blast a message four times a day and flood my notifications and bury important ones. 
          If you want to post that stuff on your walls, that's great. Uncheck the box. Save the mass notifications for important things about your books and stories. It's getting difficult to find notifications of comments, follows, votes, and things we as writers like to know so we can thank and engage our readers.  It's getting difficult to find important updates from official profiles.
          We have an awesome new tool, let's not ruin it =^.^=