
I forgot to mention this in the previous post, please choose which story you want to be continued first. The list is....
          	- Violence In Beauty
          	- The Power of The Moon
          	- Red Predator
          	- An array of Genshin Impact stories
          	= Ganyu, Eula, Raiden Shogun
          	- Monster Hunter
          	- Destiny
          	- Dark Souls/Bloodborne/Elden Ring (Beta)
          	- Different Anime Shows/Games
          	If nothing is chosen, then I'll just choose myself.


@TheWyvernRider MonHun if I'm not too late


Might be late but..The power of the moon


@ TheWyvernRider  Violence in beauty


I forgot to mention this in the previous post, please choose which story you want to be continued first. The list is....
          - Violence In Beauty
          - The Power of The Moon
          - Red Predator
          - An array of Genshin Impact stories
          = Ganyu, Eula, Raiden Shogun
          - Monster Hunter
          - Destiny
          - Dark Souls/Bloodborne/Elden Ring (Beta)
          - Different Anime Shows/Games
          If nothing is chosen, then I'll just choose myself.


@TheWyvernRider MonHun if I'm not too late


Might be late but..The power of the moon


@ TheWyvernRider  Violence in beauty


Hello everyone, TheWyvernRider's friend here. 
          I'm sorry to say this but the original owner of this account, Stephan, had passed away a while ago due to a serious illness.
          Why am I here on his account and sending this now? Well that's because I, of course, had to cope with it all at first. One of the last things he entrusted to me was his Wattpad account. He said "Do not be afraid to continue on what I have failed to deliver." The both of us had a passion to write and his account was something I didn't know about.
          It took me a while but after some careful consideration (and boredom) I have decided to create my own Wattpad account and try to deliver on what my friend had started and failed to continue.
          If you would like to continue reading these stories and the like 40 other stories yet to be published, then go to @AuthorWithin95
          Thank you everyone for reading Stephan's work and sorry that he couldn't deliver on what he promised.


Bless their soul and may they a good afterlife


Bless their soul


"What is the Lunar Moon?"
          Well, it's nothing ordinary people will understand.
          My family, the Getsumen clan, were the first among my home and found it's location. They observed and learned under the moonlight, adapting under it, being taught by the orb.
          Soon they inherited the Crux, a purple gem given as a gift from the moon they said. A gift of welcoming under the orb's protective light.
          But one day, demons came and invaded my home and it is said that the first Getsumen used the power of the moon to eradicate the invaders.
          This is where the moon was renamed the "Lunar Moon" to us, a being watching over my home and giving the people it's strength and gifts of gratitude.
          Though everything comes at a cost.....


@TheWyvernRider This is ominous. Can't help but feel like it's a reference I won't understand.


So, I haven't written a story with proper romance development and I recently thought "Hey, I should try and do this". I remember mentioning me wanting to write a couple of Genshin Impact stories and decided ill try put in more focus on some romance with my preferred characters.


12-man fireteam in DSC is...a unique experience..


@TheWyvernRider to bad it recently got patched. Really wish I could have done that. Really wish I had that many friends that liked to play Destiny 2.


@ODST-Ghost Yeah, it was chaotic and a lot of fun


I just wanna say this, Monster Hunter World and Iceborne hold a very special place for me since it's release and till now which makes me sad that it has ended. I was introduced to the series when it came out in 2018 I think, can't really remember.
          This is why there are a few Monster Hunter stories here and more soon to come. When MH:Rise comes out, I'll make sure to include it in the collection.
          Besides this, I was thinking of making one or two Genshin Impact stories but it's been....a while.. since I last played it. Still thinking on it tho.