
I have a favor to ask y'all
          	There's this amazing group of musicians called Stray Kids and they just came out with a new music video. They don't have that big of a fanbase and we're trying to get them their 3rd win
          	I was hoping that y'all could look up God's Menu by stray kids and watch their music video
          	 I know most of you will ignore this, but them and their music have saved me from both depressive episodes and anxiety attacks. Im begging for you to do this.


          	  That sounds SO COOL!


@The_Bisexual_Owl as a person who loves their music i will definitely do it!


I have a favor to ask y'all
          There's this amazing group of musicians called Stray Kids and they just came out with a new music video. They don't have that big of a fanbase and we're trying to get them their 3rd win
          I was hoping that y'all could look up God's Menu by stray kids and watch their music video
           I know most of you will ignore this, but them and their music have saved me from both depressive episodes and anxiety attacks. Im begging for you to do this.


            That sounds SO COOL!


@The_Bisexual_Owl as a person who loves their music i will definitely do it!


I have decided to listen to a new band every day of quarantine. If y'all have any recommendations please message me and I'll listen to them. Today I'm listening to Hey Violet and a few days ago I listened to Crimson Apple, I recommend both bands they are amazing music creators. 


That moment when your ex who you just broke up with a few hours ago starts texting you as if everything's alright while you're still struggling to not cry continuously 


@Poseidonfan3 Thank you so much, I've tried to stay positive through the whole and I've done all that you've recommended, still it means a lot to know I have the support from the community. Thank you! 


@The_Bisexual_Owl, Just ignore them. Delete their number, block them, seek comfort in a friend, Watch something that amuses you. This community is here for you and anyone else who has suffered heartbreak.