
You know that feeling when you really wanna read something, but everything you try to read isn't interesting you? I do


Okay, guys, here's the plan.
          Quest of the Red Dagger draft one will be completed by next week if I keep on editing two chapters a day.
          After that, I will wait three days, and then reread the entire thing, wait another day, and then begin to write the second draft. Hopefully, if I'm writing  1500 words a day or so, I should have it completed by November. I'm going to try and cut some things out because it's way too long for its own good.
          During this process, I am going to start planning for my NaNo WriMo project in November, which will be another totally new novel, this one being one of two ideas that I have. Most likely, though, it will be the second, because I don't think I have time for the first :).
          And during this time, of course, I will continue on with my fanfiction writing as soon as I can.