
Hello my subjec--fans! I am re-editing some of my earlier chapters and so you may notice some changes (and that's why!). Also, because I am a weirdo who is strangely obsessed with names that start with the letter 'a' I am renaming one of them. *Gasp* I know. Do you remember Annesty? No? Exactly, the number of characters I have whose names start with 'a' is up to seven and that's a bit excessive. So, she has been renamed to... Faun! Yes, very good, I know. As always, thanks for reading and being part of my massive fanbase of 16 people. See you later.




@yanaina456 Good is a much better option than the possbility of your life going *ungood*. (word from the wise)


@ yanaina456  good


@ yanaina456  good


Hello my subjec--fans! I am re-editing some of my earlier chapters and so you may notice some changes (and that's why!). Also, because I am a weirdo who is strangely obsessed with names that start with the letter 'a' I am renaming one of them. *Gasp* I know. Do you remember Annesty? No? Exactly, the number of characters I have whose names start with 'a' is up to seven and that's a bit excessive. So, she has been renamed to... Faun! Yes, very good, I know. As always, thanks for reading and being part of my massive fanbase of 16 people. See you later.


Hello again! Sorry for not posting in a week, I was offline and unable to reach the wifi. But I'm back now and ready to get this story back on track. Also, 1K views?! That's incredible and thanks to all my readers for making that possible. Anyway, anticipate more action now that the battle lines have been drawn and I'll see you later.


Hi! This is the first message I'm sending you guys and it hopefully won't be the last. I would just like to thank you for all the support I've received on Serpentine Wars. Approaching 800 views in just a couple of months is more than I would ever imagine I could accomplish. Just know that it's you who give me the motivation to keep this story going strong. You are all amazing, thank you.