
Nevermind lol 


i have the lesbian urge to question the among us fic you just posted 


@The_Gay_Adgenda oh yeah, forgot wattpad is a bitch like that 




Considering deleting this account and restarting everything I don't know I might delete it in a few years. Again I'm Considering it but that doesn't confirm that I'll be going through with it. Idk tbh my stories aren't getting that much recognition so I just wanna have a fresh clean start! If I do decide to delete my account I'll make sure to announce it I'll leave my account up for a couple of months before I delete it I'm sorry to have to announce this but I want a fresh new start like i said I will remake my account but I will no longer post tbhk stories cuz im slowly falling out of shipping it :(


@alienRAt3 and aswell as my writing style has evolved more and I'm not really into writing fluff anymore I'm more into angst but I wanted to mitsukou story to mainly stick to fluff, which again I'm starting to get bored of. If I don't delete this account I'll probably write irl or somewhere other than wattpad I honestly don't know anymore. As much as I love writing irl I find more comfort writing on here and the layout and tools that I'm able to use. Plus writing irl seems to take too much time and planning which I'm not prepared for. And I also don't really feel comfortable posting things places other than wattpad because this place is overall full of fanfics and stuff that deemed as embarrassing and weird while other sites are more based around posting art and pictures. Again I have so many ideas outside of tbhk but alot of them I'm too embarrassed to write about considering that all of my followers are here for tbhk and it's all confusing tbh but I'll try my best to work around it without deleting my account it will be hard and embarrassing but I'll try my best to be a multi-fandom page :)


Hello I apologize for the lack of writing recently I've been having problems with my mental health and overall my physical health aswell but I just wanna let you guys know that I'm still continuing this story I might do it this Friday and it will probably be published this weekend I apologize again I've just been very busy with school:(