
Helloooooo everyone! Hope that everyone is doing well during these trying times! Chapter 3 of P.O.T.K is coming! So don't worry about that! But also I just wanted to hope that everyone is happy and safe, as I write a story where none of my characters are.
          	Have a great weekend! ☺


Helloooooo everyone! Hope that everyone is doing well during these trying times! Chapter 3 of P.O.T.K is coming! So don't worry about that! But also I just wanted to hope that everyone is happy and safe, as I write a story where none of my characters are.
          Have a great weekend! ☺


Hi all! I genuinely don't have much of an excuse to why I've been gone so long. The world is pretty much burning and Sixth Form takes a while to prepare for. However I do know it's not much of a point. 
          However.. good news! Chapter 2 of Plague of the Kindred is nearly finished and ready to be up! I suppose it could be used as a sort of... sorry? I promise to attempt to stick to this more.
          I know things have been tough on everyone so I just thought I'd also quickly say to everyone that you matter. I know that it sounds pointless from me but it's true! All of you who see this, know that you are cared for and that it's ok not to be ok. 
          I hope you're all well and look on the horizon for more chapters!!!! ☺☺☺


@The_Padgenator James you are legendry. Can't wait for more chapters :))


          Just wanted to provide u with the opportunity to be featured in meet the authors. Its an interview platform I run and it's meant to provide writers with recognition. If u desire to be featured for an interview, please let me know


@BooksbyLwordpress I'll definitely think on it ☺


Sorry if it seems I've been off the grid recently! Chapter 2 of P.O.T.K is in the works to be published soon! Thank you to all of those who have read the first two parts. It really gives me hope! Speaking of, I sincerely hope that everyone is ok and staying safe! Time to keep the grind up! Here's hoping that things improve!


Many things are going on in the world and I'd be lying if I said I was always in a good mood. It's ok not to be ok. I'm trying to come to terms with that. I hope all of you are safe too!
          Regardless, here is Chapter One of P.O.T.K! I've managed to focus a lot on it over the last week! I do hope you enjoy and 'sink your teeth' into the mystery! ;)


Hey guys! I'm planning to publish my new story bit by bit, starting with the short prologue that should be up very soon!!!
          I hope people enjoy it! It's pretty much a first draft but it's had all of my thought put into it!!
          (Although I'll try not to, the gaps of which I'll publish these parts are not going to be too similar. There may be times where I need a rewrite or cannot publish for certain reasons! Don't worry! I'll keep you posted here!)
          Now that it's planning to go up in these bits, I can reveal that it is a Vampire story set in the 1600s! As mentioned in the description, it is a complete homebrew version of Vampiric lore from yours truly, but I believe the dynamic fits the story very well!
          It is called... "Plague of the Kindred".
          Hope you enjoy the prologue!!! ☺


@The_Padgenator I can't wait, it sounds incredible! <3