
I want to write so bad but somehow I am unable to write the words I want onto the page. It comes out bad. I am embarrassed of my writing :( so a special thank you if I you read my writing despite the many flaws it has 


I find myself wishing for hours that I was someone else, someone better. I feel like nothing I ever do is good enough. I want to feel good in my own skin and I want people to see me, the real me. I don’t think people at my school even remember I exist. Why would they? I’m nobody. I know that I’m nobody but it still hurts. 


If one of these days I don’t come back...I swear I fought. I fought her the best I could. This is more for me than it is for people on Wattpad...but I’d like to think that one or two of you out there would miss me if something were to happen. Just when I start to feel like someone might not kill me in my sleep I am reminded that they are very capable of it. 


this message may be offensive
for a long time, I really wanted to scrap "Honey and Spice." It's just not what I wanted to write at all. It's nothing like how I pictured it. Recently I was going to remove it from Wattpad. But then I looked back on my journey and while it has been a really tough one and I have been through more shit than ever the last couple of's my first book and all first books suck. I will rewrite it, I just need to get the outline done first. There definitely will be major rewriting but I don't want to give up on it. It has been my baby since November 2019 and I am not ready to let it go. So no matter how much it sucks right now...I have to keep going. I apologise to everyone reading it right now, I know it's cliche and the dialogue is off and at times it's plain boring. But I promise that once I rewrite it and then maybe rewrite it yet again, it will look like an actual semi-decent book.


@theexempressx thank you. I think it actually means more coming from a stranger lmao. And I will keep the book despite all of it's sucky-ness