
this message may be offensive
Oh look! It's me!
          	just want to announce that covid is currently kicking my ass. i keep recovering and then sleep deprivation sends me back to hell again, and so the cycle repeats. 
          	but wait! it gets worse! I have two exams to do, one of which i'm repeating because i fucked it up and the other i'm likely going to fail in. a levels, you gotta love em.
          	as a result of these two things and coupled in with the endless debate of whether im going to israel for a year, pretend to be a teacher for a year or lie around at home for a year, and battling with family over my life choices because they have no concept that im actually capable of making a decision, i may be off for longer than usual-
          	i do have some drafts and i might get some writing done tonight, but i might be ending up writing an essay instead. i will make an attempt to update, but seeing as the exams are soon, dont be shocked if i suddenly vanish for a bit longer than i usually do.
          	on the brightside i might end up doing another book so im not constantly forced to work on the autism shots and have the opertunity to have my own playrgound of shit that you all can read and think 'damn theo really has lost it'. but ill see how that goes.
          	enjoy ur day yall-
          	ps: covid sucks in case ur curious-


@TheoFlowers Aw, good luck with life and Covid and everything. Sounds like life is very busy right now. Do what you need to to take care of you. I’ll be here eager for whatever you decide to write when you’re ready to share! :)


@TheoFlowers hope your ok bro!! Take it easy, can’t wait to read what ur writing!


this message may be offensive
Oh look! It's me!
          just want to announce that covid is currently kicking my ass. i keep recovering and then sleep deprivation sends me back to hell again, and so the cycle repeats. 
          but wait! it gets worse! I have two exams to do, one of which i'm repeating because i fucked it up and the other i'm likely going to fail in. a levels, you gotta love em.
          as a result of these two things and coupled in with the endless debate of whether im going to israel for a year, pretend to be a teacher for a year or lie around at home for a year, and battling with family over my life choices because they have no concept that im actually capable of making a decision, i may be off for longer than usual-
          i do have some drafts and i might get some writing done tonight, but i might be ending up writing an essay instead. i will make an attempt to update, but seeing as the exams are soon, dont be shocked if i suddenly vanish for a bit longer than i usually do.
          on the brightside i might end up doing another book so im not constantly forced to work on the autism shots and have the opertunity to have my own playrgound of shit that you all can read and think 'damn theo really has lost it'. but ill see how that goes.
          enjoy ur day yall-
          ps: covid sucks in case ur curious-


@TheoFlowers Aw, good luck with life and Covid and everything. Sounds like life is very busy right now. Do what you need to to take care of you. I’ll be here eager for whatever you decide to write when you’re ready to share! :)


@TheoFlowers hope your ok bro!! Take it easy, can’t wait to read what ur writing!


hey so you may notice im being a little more inactive. i have a good reason for this: school has been kicking my ass and my motivation has gone down... so yeah. and I don't wanna post a whole story I can't be arsed to write. so really, I'll write when I feel right. when my motivation decides WOOOOOOOOOO WRITING TIME I'll write. i don't wanna give y'all something I cant be arsed to write and therefore make it look crap. 
          so yeah. I'm not dead. but I'm not exactly feeling motivated either.


@ShadOLeerie i hope so too. my mocks have been moved to December so that doesn't help.


@TheoFlowers I hope school gets better. <3 I’m glad you’re not forcing yourself to write when you don’t feel like it.


I am back! In Black! With a new profile picture and a whole of dead insideness going on. 
          I've found that I've been writing a lot of non autism related stuff so I may make a one shot book for that. Some characters may be autistic but the actual story probably won't be a whole 'this is how you write autistic characters.'. you can look at it that way but yeah. I'll be making a new one shot book soon for that sorta thing :) Keep an eye out!


@TheoFlowers heck yea bro!! Wellcome back !!


@TheoFlowers welcome back ❤️❤️


this message may be offensive
Theo got a new laptop to write with. Theo is free!
          also, I will be writing proper guides on writing autistic people.
          Also also I will be writing more shit soon.
          Have fun waiting more ig


@theoflowers no rush! Im excited for updates whenever you’re excited to put them up :)
            I didn’t have a computer till this last year and had been doing all my writing on my phone before that, so I understand how awful it can be not having a computer!


@ShadOLeerie cheers mate! I have a hell load of work coming up so don't expect an update for a bit. I'll probably try and finish a draft off once all the work is over.


@TheoFlowers I've been off Wattpad for a while and just saw you were able to get a new computer. Congratulations!


this message may be offensive
hey yall. just annoucing that my laptop has fucked up and I'm stuck on a slow old one for the time being. i can hardly do my coursework with it so don't expect updates for a while. will update about this when i can.