
Hey gumdrops, another question for you all. 
          	●Do you prefer regular chapters?●
          	For example, "Chapter 30 (Y/n)"
          	●Or dialogue chapters?●
          	For example, "Ch.30 This is how I'm going to die (Y/n)"
          	I'd love to know as I'm working on another book and would appreciate hearing your thoughts!
          	Thanks, I love you all.
          	- Thesourgummyworm <3 <3 <3


@YasKeyes You're so sweet! Thank you. ❤️❤️


@Thesourgummyworm of course I know how helpful it is to get the readers feadback especially on a Y/N book they are hard enough to write without worring about the Y/N portion and you dont know if your readers will like it ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Keep doing great work


Hey gumdrops, another question for you all. 
          ●Do you prefer regular chapters?●
          For example, "Chapter 30 (Y/n)"
          ●Or dialogue chapters?●
          For example, "Ch.30 This is how I'm going to die (Y/n)"
          I'd love to know as I'm working on another book and would appreciate hearing your thoughts!
          Thanks, I love you all.
          - Thesourgummyworm <3 <3 <3


@YasKeyes You're so sweet! Thank you. ❤️❤️


@Thesourgummyworm of course I know how helpful it is to get the readers feadback especially on a Y/N book they are hard enough to write without worring about the Y/N portion and you dont know if your readers will like it ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Keep doing great work


Hello, my gumdrops! I have a question for anyone who wants to answer.
          But do you mainly read books on Wattpad on your Phone or Laptop/Chromebook?
          I was just working on a format for a different book and I am curious to know how it'll look on the most "standard" device.
          I'd love it if you didn't mind commenting to reply. 
          Thanks, Love you all!
          - Thesourgummyworm <3


@Thesourgummyworm Same!  I read on computer (as well as write)


I think the book is great so far AND I think it is so cool that you follow your followers back. I AM SO EXCITED 


@YasKeyes Aww you're so sweet, thank you! And of course, I'm glad you followed me first! Enjoy the book, and don't forget to comment!!! <3