
Just binged Echo, can't lie I actually had a good time watching it. Won't say it's fantastic but definitely better that some of the recent marvel content. 


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I know I haven't posted for a while, but that's because I'm busy AF. To make matters worse in "Scared of the dark ?", I made it to around 2000+ words, but I forgot to press save. . .
          In other fucking words I have to start from scratch.
          But the new PJO series is actually sick, Walker is literally the picture perfect Percy, Aryan is interesting, a bit different to the Grover from the books, but good nonetheless. Leah is the perfect Annabeth, like she has absolutely nailed the role of Annabeth. If I'm being honest the only person with better acting than her has been Walker so far. 


Hey bro, que paso con el fic de Spiderman??


No puede ser, pero la volveras a escribir?, tuvo un muy buen comienzo bro


@Kannslow Malas noticias hermano, necesito borrar la historia, tiene algún error y no me deja escribirla correctamente. 


@Kannslow Y estoy haciendo una reescritura 