
Im not dead but this account is tejehehebe


Hello! Thank you for following!! Please read/support or vote  my stories,:)! When you start voting on my chapters, please start at the latest chapter, thank you! ;) I’ll gladly vote for your chapters too! If you don’t want to do it, no worries for me, it’s fine:))


@Aureliansis oh yeah for sure, also thanks for the follow!!


 i just realized how many cool people stopped using wattpad but i dont blame them tbh ;/


I left from like June to September bc i lost interest but got back, and a bunch of my favorite writers kinda just died ;((


            I have an addiction idk i just keep popping back on


No. More. Saying. Cuss words! It. Is. Not. Good. I'm putting a video on YouTube about no more saying cuss words. No more saying cuss words guys! It's inappropriate and violent! If you say a cuss word then you're like, going to jail, and you're like, and when you go to jail, i- ba- when you go to jail, if you say, if you say a cuss word you go to jail and if you go to jail cause you said a cuss word, then... You're only gonna eat BROCCOLI and OTHER VEGETABLES for your WHOLE LIFE. You don't want to eat vegetables. Sometimes people like eating sweets but, I eat broccoli. So, I'm okay with broccoli but I do not want to go to jail. You can not go to jail. And saying cuss words is ILLEGAL. They are now gonna make a law about that. It is illegal, it is inappropriate, it is really violent. I better warn my school about that.


 *casually implodes*


this message may be offensive
@Thicxx_Dummy Well fuck


          Eyo, Thanks for the Follow Mate!
          I s e e y o u ‘ r e a P e r s o n o f c u l t u r e a s w e l l -