
@sonyathewolf welcome buttercup! Haha :) 


To everyone who has read "The Bad Boy Saved Me" and is waiting for an update I want to apologize. I just haven't had the passion to write anymore. 1- cuz I think my story isn't good. 2- I'm been kinda depressed and 3- laziness has taken over my body. :( but I am goin to try my very best and update. I'm going to write up a few chapters and then publish them so you guys don't have to wait so long. (That's if I even continue that story) .-. 
          I'm also have a few ideas for some other stories, but like I said just haven't had the passion to write much lately. But I am going to try really hard and start writing again (even if no one reads it) haha cx 
          Just wanted to send out a quick little thingy. I love all my followers. xx