
@StarshipRanger394 I'm so sorry it took me so long to reply! I've got a lot of exams on at the moment. A sequel? Now that's an idea! I've started an one-shot series called 'Remember' that you could have a look at, but I'll think about it. Have you seen the TV series 'Sherlock'? It may or may not be the focus of something I'm working on at the moment. Thanks for the dedication, and your comment was lovely! Xx


@StarshipRanger394 I'm so sorry it took me so long to reply! I've got a lot of exams on at the moment. A sequel? Now that's an idea! I've started an one-shot series called 'Remember' that you could have a look at, but I'll think about it. Have you seen the TV series 'Sherlock'? It may or may not be the focus of something I'm working on at the moment. Thanks for the dedication, and your comment was lovely! Xx