
Hey, I'm back guys!! And I just need some opinions really fast. I need to know if I should continue my The Voices story or start a new story entirely! If you want me to continue my The Voices story or start something else let me know! I will not be updating until I find out what you want! Thank you for your patience:-) Love you guys!!^_^


Hey, I'm back guys!! And I just need some opinions really fast. I need to know if I should continue my The Voices story or start a new story entirely! If you want me to continue my The Voices story or start something else let me know! I will not be updating until I find out what you want! Thank you for your patience:-) Love you guys!!^_^


Hi guys!! I'm back and I would like to apologize for not updating for awhile. I've been sick and I couldn't really write a lot. But I'm updating today and tomorrow. Hopefully I can get a few updates out today. But if I can't I'll update them tomorrow. Thanks for reading my books and voting and being so patient. I appreciate it!! Love you guys!! And don't forget to stay awesome!!


Just finished the second part. I know its short but me personally, I think its better than the first part! But anyway thanks for hanging in there with me and the slow progress of this book! And if you have any tips, tricks, comments, or questions feel free to inbox me!! Bye! And love you!!! And don't forget to tell your friends on Wattpad about me!!


And BTW it would be really helpful if people that read my books would inbox me tips and other things to help me improve my writing because I know my stories suck now but I really hope to improve them so please inbox me tips and tricks and just questions comments or anything that you have about my book that would be really helpful for me right now considering like I am really bad writer and I would like to improve my skills so thank you so much for helping me!! 


The 2nd chapter of my book should be out soon. I've had some problems lately and I haven't been able to work on my book as much but soon maybe sometime this week or next week the second chapter of my book should be out and I'm really sorry to keep like the people that have followed me waiting but I've just been busy doing other stuff lately and I haven't really had time to work on my book as much but I promise you I'm going to put as much effort as I can into finishing it sometime maybe this month so the second chapter should be out really soon again I apologize for being late as crap but thank you for following my story and reading it!! Love you!!


I'm new to writing but I really enjoy it and I'm working on a story right now and I'm about to post the first part that I have written to it and I would really appreciate it if everyone would inbox me tips and other stuff to try to help me improve my writing and make it better. Thank you!!!