
Hey everyone!
          	The next part in freedom is up! Sorry it took so long. I was trying to focus dreams which made me land at a writers block. 
          	But go check out the new part!!!


ALBA I finally finally remembered to type in wattpad.com...
          And lo and behold, a new site appeared before me... x_x
          Omegawd i've been gone for so long xD
          How have you been?  I miss talking to u on gmail :<  And I miss wattpad chat! Dx  all those emoticons... *siiiigh* :')
          I needa get on wp more often!


Hey everyone!
          Just want to let you know that I finallyposted chapter eleven in freedom!!!
          Go and read it! Dont forget to vote and comment! I'm leaving tomorrow for puerto Rico so I won't be online till after the 22, but when I come back Dreams is the next chapter! 
          Hope you're having a wonderful summer!
          Yours truly,