
this message may be offensive
I am dealing with a lot of shit right now. I am working on a chapter 7 and 8. But I am very sick and I'm just now getting out of a relationship with a guy that I really loved and I'm still madly in love with him. If your reading this. Hi. Life isn't going well for me. But I don't care. I'm mostly trying to make other people happy before myself. And it's working. So, I just wanted to let you guys know. That's all for now. I hope you have a good day. 


@TimberWolf19  Nah YOU have a good day if you do end up hurting yourself, think 
          	  I have people who care about me. People as in me and your followers


please, just please don’t hurt yourself if you doo.  trust me, trust me i’ve lived with the experience and it does not help. it will help for so long and it will be gone. hurting yourself is ruining your body but even then if you stop it’ll show how much you’ve grown and how strong you are. don’t cut, it won’t help you. trust me it does not heal the pain inside your chest. if you ever, ever need someone to talk too, i am more than willing to talk to you. i’ll always be here if you chose to talk to me. let me in on it all and i can help you. i’ll try my hardest to help you and help you feel okay. 


people will make you feel like you’re annoying until you start believing you are but i’ll remind you every chance i get that you aren’t and never will be annoying 


@TimberWolf19 no one is annoying. what i’ve learned, people only make you FEEL like you are but trust me. no one is annoying. you’ll never be considered annoying. never. get ahold of me and i’m glad you’re day was made. you are awesome and cool to me :)))


@Seraphina254 thank you for sending me this. I have been dealing with depression and this really made my day. So thank you, and I will be sure to try to get ahold of you if I need to talk. I just don't want to be annoying.


this message may be offensive
I am dealing with a lot of shit right now. I am working on a chapter 7 and 8. But I am very sick and I'm just now getting out of a relationship with a guy that I really loved and I'm still madly in love with him. If your reading this. Hi. Life isn't going well for me. But I don't care. I'm mostly trying to make other people happy before myself. And it's working. So, I just wanted to let you guys know. That's all for now. I hope you have a good day. 


@TimberWolf19  Nah YOU have a good day if you do end up hurting yourself, think 
            I have people who care about me. People as in me and your followers