
What do a hilarious lesbian couple in their sixties, a phobia-inducing maze and a serial killer have in common?
          	They're all in this short story!
          	Buckle up for a playful Halloween-inspired adventure 
          	Check it out here:


Hello everyone! Hope you're all well and haven't succumbed to the insanity of lockdown...
          I'm sure you probably haven't noticed (lol) but I've been AWOL for a while. Finally back, and I'd like to introduce a FanFiction I've been playing with.
          It's a SWANQUEEN vibe (from the TV Series Once Upon A Time) so if that's your thing then give it a read. If not, fear not! I have more updates on my two Works In Progress (Dark of the Sun & A Wolf Among Witches) coming soon!
          Meanwhile, here's the Fanfic:


Hello there! A double-bill today - can I get a woot-woot! ... anyone? no? Oh well, here it is anyway!
          Chapter 15 of Dark of the Sun is up! Give it a read here:
          A Wolf Among Witches now has 2 chapters published!
          If you care to, I'd LOVE some feedback on these :) 
          Happy reading!


Hello. So this idea keeps interrupting my current project (Dark of the Sun) and it's been driving me nuts, toying with my concentration.  
          I have finally given in. It's now its own story. Same world, totally different novel. Like, TOTALLY different - as in perspective/style/atmosphere/did I even write this? It's a whole new work in progress. (Somebody stop me! Wait. too late.)
          This one has werewolves. So, give it a read, maybe.