
          	I really love you guys so much right now! everyone who's given me a shot, I have to send out imaginary goodie baskets! especially so to my!new followers! I'll be paying your books a visit. feel free to check out mine: "worth living for" I just released a double update!!!


write that's amazing!  I'm a photographer/sports player/writer, not a music player in the least!  I used to play harmonica and the recorder but I think every kid in my school did recorder haha.  and thanks for the follow, I hope you enjoy my stories! 


@kendra_strahm I think it's cool you live in the mountains, for some reason I'm imagining sheep herders? 


@kendra_strahm I'll totally check out your stories! I tried recorder but I just managed to  audibly scar every child within ear shot! Lol!    


Hello peeps! Feeling confident 'bout my new story "worth living for" 
          I've just updated the cover because the apple App Store typically has better apps than android's play store. My point is: there's an awesome app called font candy that's perfect for making covers, check it out!!